ACE Technology Guidances communicate recommendations from the MOH Drug Advisory Committee or the MOH Medical Technology Advisory Committee on the funding status and appropriate use of drugs, vaccines or medical technologies that have been evaluated by ACE. The guidances also include the Committee’s rationale for the funding recommendations, and key clinical and economic evidence which informed their deliberations. Plain English Summaries (PES) to explain ACE Technology Guidances are available for patients and the public.

Published on 05 Feb 2018
Last Updated on 01 Jul 2022
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Guidance Recommendations
The Ministry of Health's Drug Advisory Committee has recommended:
  • Rivaroxaban 15 mg and 20 mg tablets, and apixaban 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablets for adults to:
    • treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE); and
    • prevent recurrent DVT and PE.

Subsidy status

Rivaroxaban 15 mg and 20 mg tablets are recommended for inclusion on the Medication Assistance Fund (MAF) for the abovementioned indications.

MAF assistance do not apply to the following:
  • the use of rivaroxaban for isolated distal DVT; or
  • rivaroxaban 2.5 mg and 10 mg tablets.
Apixaban 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablets are recommended for reclassification from MAF to the MOH Standard Drug List (SDL).

SDL subsidy or MAF assistance do not apply to any strengths of dabigatran.

NOACs for the treatment and secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism (1 Jul 22) PES Anticoagulants to treat and prevent blood clots (Published 1 July 2022)