Methods & Process

ACE Clinical Guidance (ACG) methods and process

ACGs (also known as Appropriate Care Guides) provide concise, evidence-based recommendations to inform specific areas of clinical practice, and serve as a common starting point nationally for clinical decision-making. ACGs are underpinned by a wide array of considerations contextualised to Singapore, based on best available evidence at the time of development. Each ACG is developed in collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of local experts representing relevant specialties and practice settings. ACGs are not exhaustive of the subject matter and do not replace clinical judgement.

Key steps involved in the development of an ACG are outlined below:

  1. Topic prioritisation
    ACG topics are identified from several sources, including national health statistics and relevant stakeholders, such as professional bodies. Topics are shortlisted through a rigorous prioritisation process with predetermined criteria, including alignment with national health priorities, disease burden, and potential impact on patient outcomes. Shortlisted topics are put forth to MOH for approval to be developed into ACGs.

  2. From evidence to recommendations
    A stepwise approach is taken to identify and review pertinent existing high-quality guidelines as well as published literature. ACG recommendations are formulated based on appraisal of the evidence as a whole, and a balanced assessment of a comprehensive set of considerations, including applicability to local practice.

  3. Role of the expert group
    A multidisciplinary expert group is appointed for each ACG to ensure that clinical content is accurate, current, and relevant for local practice and intended users. Each expert group consists of practising healthcare professionals who are subject matter experts, including specialists, general practitioners, pharmacists and nurses, as appropriate. A structured method is used to capture the expert group’s assessment and deliberation.

  4. Endorsement
    Prior to the publication of each ACG, professional bodies such as the Academy of Medicine, Singapore and the College of Family Physicians Singapore are invited to provide comments and endorse the ACG.

  5. Update of ACGs
    The full development of an ACG takes approximately 8 to 12 months. ACGs are usually reviewed around 5 years after publication, or earlier, if new evidence emerges that requires substantive changes to the recommendations.


Health technology evaluation methods and processes

What is health technology assessment (HTA)?

HTA is an established scientific research methodology to inform policy and clinical decision-making on the relative value of new health technologies, such as drugs, devices and medical services, compared to existing standards of care. It is conducted using analytical frameworks, drawing on clinical, epidemiological and health economic information to determine how best to allocate limited healthcare resources.

HTA helps to answer the following questions:

  1. Does the health technology work?
  2. What benefit does it provide and for whom?
  3. What does it cost (to the healthcare service, to the patient, etc.), including opportunity costs?
  4. How does it compare with the available alternatives?

The goal of HTA is to inform the development of effective health policies about the use of health technologies in a manner that is patient-focused and achieves best value. ACE conducts HTAs to support subsidy decisions by the respective MOH advisory committees for two main technology streams:

  1. Drugs: Drug Advisory Committee (DAC)
  2. Medical technologies (including devices, diagnostics and medical services): Medical Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC).

There are currently 3 main process steps which ACE follows when evaluating health technologies to inform decision-making:

  1. Topic submission and selection
    A call for applications is put out annually to the public healthcare institutions to submit requests for subsidy consideration. ACE works with the DAC and MTAC to select the topics for evaluation.

  2. Technical evaluation
    Once a topic is selected, technical evaluations are conducted at 2 levels – expedited or full – depending on the estimated budget impact and uncertainty around the clinical and cost parameters for each technology. In the case of medical technologies, the complexity of the care pathway incorporating the use of the technology is also taken into consideration when deciding the type of evaluation. Most of the evaluations are conducted internally by the technical teams in ACE, with supporting evidence provided by local clinical experts and companies. Value-based pricing is conducted in parallel with technology evaluations, if required, to ensure that the price of the technology recommended for subsidy represents a cost-effective use of healthcare resources and is commensurate with the technology's value in Singapore's context. Under this process, companies are invited to submit their best cost prices for their technologies, which will inform ACE's cost-effectiveness analyses and budget impact assessments.

    1. Higher cost technologies (estimated budget impact >$2 million a year) are typically subject to full evaluation which includes a systematic review of the clinical evidence, and economic modelling to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the technologies in the local context (where feasible);

    2. Technologies with lower budget impact are subject to expedited evaluations (without modelling), which are usually informed by published clinical evidence and international cost-effectiveness studies.

  3. Decision-making
    The evidence in ACE's technical evaluations informs the committees' subsidy deliberations around 4 core decision-making criteria:

    1. Clinical need of patients and nature of the condition
    2. Clinical effectiveness and safety of the technology
    3. Cost-effectiveness (value for money) – the incremental benefit and cost of the technology compared to existing alternatives
    4. Estimated annual cost of the technology and the number of patients likely to benefit from the technology

    A 5th criterion is also considered for medical technologies:
    1. Organisational feasibility – the potential impact of adopting the technology to the healthcare system

    Other factors, including social, ethical and value judgments, may also inform the committees' considerations.

    On the basis of the available evidence, the committees recommend whether government subsidy should be given for a health technology through the respective financing scheme.
ACE's Drug and Vaccine Evaluation Methods and Process Guide (Version 3.1) and Medical Technologies Methods and Process Guide (Version 1) outline the core processes and methods underpinning ACE's assessment of clinical and economic evidence, and any other important factors impacting the adoption of the technologies, which are being considered for government subsidy. The guides also document value-based pricing processes and the committees' decision-making frameworks.


Company Submissions to ACE

Since 1 January 2021, pharmaceutical companies have been able to request for their products to be evaluated for funding consideration under the company-led process. Companies are responsible for providing an evidence submission to ACE, to support the MOH Drug Advisory Committee’s deliberations.

The aim of this process is to enable medicines to be evaluated close to the anticipated date of regulatory approval by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and expedite funding considerations to improve patient access to clinically necessary treatments.

This process is the default approach for listing new cancer treatments (or new indications of existing cancer treatments) on the MOH Cancer Drug List. From 2024 onwards, ACE will also accept submissions for selected non-cancer drugs and cell, tissue and gene therapy products (CTGTPs) for listing on the MOH List of Subsidised Drugs and MOH CTGTP List, respectively.

Companies should refer to the key processes deadlines below for evidence submissions and pricing resubmissions to be reviewed at the respective 2024/2025 DAC meetings. From 2024 onwards, companies should also submit a completed costing template with the pre-submission form when registering intent to put in a submission.

Key Process Deadlines for Evidence Submissions (updated 4 Oct 2024)
DAC Meetings Mar/Apr 2025  Jun/Jul 2025  Oct/Nov 2025 
Mar/Apr 2026  Jun/Jul 2026  Oct/Nov 2026
Deadline for company to (re)register intent to submit evidence  By 28 Feb 2024  By 3 Jul 2024  By 30 Oct 2024  By 5 Mar 2025  By 9 Jul 2025 By 29 Oct 2025 
Pre-submission meetings  11 Apr to 8 May 2024   14 Aug to 11 Sep 2024  18 Nov to 11 Dec 2024 16 Apr to 16 May 2025   18 Aug to 17 Sep 2025  26 Nov to 12 Dec 2025
Deadline for company to put in evidence submission to ACE By 28 Aug 2024  By 6 Jan 2025    By 7 May 2025  By 3 Sep 2025  By 7 Jan 2026  By 6 May 2026
These dates may vary due to unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to change(s) to the DAC meeting dates.

Key Process Deadlines for Pricing Resubmissions for Company-led Submissions Following Negative Recommendation (updated 3 Jan 2025)
DAC Meetings Mar/Apr 2025  Jun/Jul 2025 Oct/Nov 2025 Mar/Apr 2026  Jun/Jul 2026 Oct/Nov 2026 
Deadline for company to register intent to submit revised price proposal  By 10 Dec 2024 By 2 Apr 2025 By 19 Aug 2025 By 9 Dec 2025 By 31 Mar 2026 By 28 Jul 2026
Deadline for company to put in revised price proposal By 7 Jan 2025 By 30 Apr 2025 By 16 Sep 2025 By 20 Jan 2026 By 28 Apr 2026 By 25 Aug 2026
These dates may vary due to unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to change(s) to the DAC meeting dates.

Companies are expected to follow the Procedures and Guidelines for Company Submissions to the Agency for Care Effectiveness for Funding Consideration and its accompanying resources when preparing an evidence submission. Information on the fees for company submissions can be found in the Charging Procedure for Review of Company Evidence Submissions to the Agency for Care Effectiveness.

Industry notification of pipeline medical technologies for horizon scanning

Companies may submit their pipeline medical technologies intended to be introduced into Singapore to provide early visibility of their technologies to MOH. This may be used to assist in the early planning and, if appropriate, their early adoption into the local public healthcare institutions. There are no immediate funding implications resulting from the horizon scanning assessment, if any, of the submitted technologies.

The scope of medical technologies for the Industry Notification includes medical devices, diagnostics, services, procedures or medical-related digital health technologies (e.g. mobile apps, online tools, artificial intelligence software) intended to be introduced locally. These includes medical technologies that are intended to be submitted to or have been submitted to the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). Medical technologies registered with HSA are not accepted.

Submission of pipeline medical technologies

The annual submission window is open from 1st May to 31st May each year, both dates inclusive. Announcement will be made on ACE’s website one week prior to the submission window. Companies may share their pipeline technologies with ACE through the notification form. Submissions should be made to the horizon scanning team at within the submission window no later than 31st May.

Medical Technology Model Update Process (MUP)

Companies can request for their products to be evaluated for subsidy consideration through the Model Update Process (MUP). The MUP is currently open to companies that have implants listed on the Implant Subsidy List (ISL). Companies will be notified of their eligibility for MUP as topics are on-boarded to the MUP progressively.

For non-implant medical technologies, companies may write to ACE to enquire about the process.

Model Update Process (MUP) On-boarding Schedule (updated Jan 2025)

MUP window

April 2025

August 2025

New implants to be added


This list serves as a guide and may vary due to change(s) in implementation timelines and processes.

  • Craniomaxillofacial and oculoplastic implants
  • Dermal substitutes and non-mammary tissue expanders implants
  • Dural sealants, patches, and aneurysm clips
  • Brachytherapy implants
  • Nerve Stimulators for Deep Brain and Vagal Nerve
  • Nerve Stimulators for Spinal Cord

Implant categories that have been on onboarded for MUP submission. (update Jan 2025 )

  • Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices
  • Active Middle Ear Implants
  • Bone Conduction Hearing Implants
  • Cochlear Implants
  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Devices
  • Transcatheter Mitral Valve Leaflet Repair Devices
  • Ossicular Middle Ear Implants
  • Hip, Knee and Sports Medicine Implants
  • Interventional Cardiology Implants
  • Aortic Implants
  • Glaucoma Treatment Implants
  • Intraocular Lens
  • Urogenital Implants
  • Gastroenterology Implants
  • Vascular Patency and Embolic Management Implants
  • Neurovascular Implants
  • Vascular Occlusion, Access and Closure Implants
  • Spine Implants
  • Mammary Implants


The MUP window is open to all the existing product categories that have been previously onboarded for MUP applications. Once a product category has been onboarded, it is eligible for MUP applications in the subsequent windows.

Companies should refer to the key process milestones below for expected evaluation timelines and deadlines for applications and return of signed agreements/contracts. To ensure expedient evaluations and processing of applications, companies are encouraged to provide clear information and adhere to the stipulated timelines and templates when submitting MUP application forms and/or corresponding with ACE. Failure to adhere to the instructions on the application forms can result in the delay or rejection of the application for subsidy consideration.

Key Process Milestones for Model Update Process (MUP) (updated Mar 2024)

Pathway Type

MUP Application Windowa

Evaluation & Committee Decision-Makingb, c

Notification of Outcome & Return of Signed Contract

Implementation of funding recommendationd


15 days

Approximately 4 months

15 days

3 months and up


15 days

18 months

15 days

3 months and up


a. The MUP application windows occurs thrice annually, beginning on the 1st of April, August, and December.

b. This duration serves as a guide and may vary due to circumstances such as change(s) to the MTAC deliberation dates, and the time taken for companies to respond to ACE’s requests for clarification or additional information and negotiations. MTAC may defer their decision-making (e.g. until further clarifications are addressed). In this instance, the listing(s) of interest will be addressed at the next available and feasible MTAC deliberation time.

c. MTAC meets up to 3 times a year, usually in March, July, and November (subject to scheduling changes). Additional meetings may be called by the Chairman where necessary.

d. This duration serves as a guide and may vary due to processes beyond ACE’s purview, such as ALPS contract establishment and variations, and IT implementation of updated funding recommendations in public healthcare institutions.



Video Resource

Take a look at how ACE conducts HTA!